Monday, August 29, 2011

nmm (17)

I’d like to take a moment to tell you all how much I don’t enjoy having two posts in one day.
It’s a weird thing I do.
Like not looking at the mail until I get inside, as if waiting the extra twenty steps is going to magically change the mail. Or the fact that I put ketchup on my tacos.
But, new music Monday will not be neglected, but I do have an announcement about it.
New Music Monday will no longer be a weekly item featured on my blog.
Seeing that school is coming and I’ll hopefully have a life, nnm will now be once a month. Most likely the last Monday of the month. Maybe it’ll be random. That way I’ll be able to give you all organically found songs that are truly amazing. I love it when I hear a new song and get excited to share with you all.
I’ve loved nmm more than you guys hopefully. I listen to the most random music.
Thank you for enjoying the ride every week, but I look forward to surprising you all with new music. This week is just another sappy love song that gives me hope. I’m female. Sue me.

1 comment:

  1. ketchup on tacos is a MUST. i get so much crap about it. but really, tacos= hamburger meat and nothing tastes better with hamburger than ketchup. seriously. you go girl :)


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