Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a tuesday list.

I do not understand:
                Why people punch out the lenses on those black 3D glasses and wear them in public.
Why people wear ‘leggins’ as pants.
                                                Why girls wear heals to class.
                Why men are complicated.
                                                                                Why I can’t wear my rain boots and play in the fountain for fun.
                                Why it’s funny that I’m transferring to BYU-Idaho.
Why my pool still isn’t open. I blame the homeowners association for my pasty skin.
                                                                                      Why I feel guilty for going to the grocery store.
                Why my professor hates me.
                                                Why what attractive man still hasn’t asked me out.
Why that PROM movie looks slightly entertaining.
                                Why I’d really enjoy a twisty cone right about now.
Why people care so much about Justin Beiber.
Why Proactive commercials come on about ever seven seconds.
                                                Why it’s not socially acceptable to wear my Snuggie to class.      
Why people are still grumpy.
                                                                Why I yell at people while I drive. They cannot hear me.
                                Why the attractive waiter always hits on Woman.  
                                What I want to be when I grow up.
                                                                                                                        Why I’m making this list.
Happy Tuesday, lovelies.
What do you not understand?


  1. oh basically i love this list.
    i have never understood that thing about the 3D glasses. makes me want to barf.
    oh well.
    and you should wear your snuggie to class.
    set a trend.

  2. I kinda want to see PROM too! My husband thinks it looks lame.

  3. During finals week wearing your Snuggie to class is perfectly acceptable

  4. I don't understand how TV works. I can kindof get it when you are plugged into direct tv. But, the beaming it into your house and through the antenna and then wallah.... you have your favorite tv show. It's mind boggling.

    Don't wear the snuggie. It's getting filthy on the bottom. You will ruin it forever.


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