Sunday, October 16, 2011

don't forget the lyrics: relief society edition.

I may or may not be neglecting you.
I thought two blogs would be no prob. It sometimes gives me whiplash. Never fear little ones, you are still my favorite, don’t tell the other blog.
Can you believe that it’s almost midterm? Next week furry ones. Then three weeks from that is Thanksgiving break. Then two weeks after that, I’m done. Crazy right?
Things have been good. I’ve been keeping busy getting ready to go back to Utah this week for my friends wedding. Words cannot express how excited and ready I am to go back home.
Prepare yourself Utah. I’ve got a lot of people to see.
Also. The new Coldplay comes out IN ONE WEEK! Eeek! I’ve had that album pre-ordered for two months now.
The new JB song comes out TOMORROW! Don’t judge me. JB is the only man in my life right now.
I don’t get the BYU-Idaho stereotype at all. I haven’t been even approached for a date yet. And it’s midterm. Dating doesn’t really happen around here. I don’t get how people are getting married super quick.
I just don’t get it.
Anywho. Story time.  I adore my relief society presidency. I love the relief society girls too.
Today we were singing the opening hymn, I had the song on my iPhone and the president was singing along with me. We were sitting in the front of the room like all presidencies do. She looked away for a second, and I scrolled the screen up so we could continue singing. She didn’t notice and began singing where the words used to be.
She sang the wrong verse and I could not contain myself. I laughed and laughed. Then she laughed and laughed.
I tried to get her back on the right lyrics. So I sang the next line SUPER loud.
It was the wrong verse too.
The entire relief society was staring at us. We were basically rolling on the floor laughing.
Don’t fret. I really like relief society.   
Happy almost coming back to Utah!
What are you excited about?

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