Friday, October 14, 2011

the news.

I know all of you are dying to know the news, and I can’t keep it to myself any longer.
The trials and tribulations of your every day, extra ordinary girl is…..

Getting a brother.
Or sister.
Are blogs male or female?
To check out my latest project, click here.
Hope you all enjoy!
I hope this blog is a lot more interactive than most blogs. I’m begging for comments and input. I honestly want to know what makes you happy, and I’m super excited for the fearless challenges. Read more about that in the ‘About The Happy List’ tab.
Of course, this blog will still be the main hub for your Meg Deck fix. The other blog is more of a journal, inspired by the conversation with my father (found in this post). It will be updated daily, hopefully!
Welcome to the world little brother, or sister, depending on what sex blogs are… 

1 comment:

  1. Your blogs new sibling is private... please make public OR invite me. K... thanks... bye... :)


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