Saturday, February 11, 2012

what mike taught me.

Munich by The Fray on Grooveshark

Today I was at work.
Job number one.
My mind a wonder with a wonder. What do people think when they look at me?
Suddenly Mike was informing me that I was going to have to take my break after the other two people working because mine was only a fifteen and theirs were half hour breaks.
I told Mike, the newly appointed manager, that it was fine. I didn’t mind.
“It’s just me.” I told him, with a shrug.
Mike turned to me and asked,
“You are somebody, you know that right?”
I’ve never really thought about it, but I am somebody.
I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, an employee, a red car driver, a talker, a reader, a Seinfeld lover, a nap taker, a English major, a LDS primary teacher…
I could go on and on, but Mike made me think about the fact that I am worth something. I’m not just the girl who takes your order or messes up your coffee order. I am Megan. I am somebody. I’ve been feeling a little down lately, mundane, lost in the dreary days of being underappreciated at my three jobs. But at the end of my shifts I take off my name tags, and look myself in the eye.
What do I see when I look at me?
What do you see when you look?
My little ones, the Valentine’s Day depression is upon us. For those of you who have somebody to love this Tuesday, do something special for them because love doesn’t come along every day. You should buy them a twisty cone. Because twisty cones are happiness.
For those of you who haven’t found their prince charming yet, I suggest you go and get yourself a twisty cone. Maybe you’ll bump into some kind of wonderful.
No matter what, I hope you all remember something,
You are somebody.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good post :) I love you Megan <3
    Here's to enjoying another Valentines Day alone... :/


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